
Leafgogy provide study, professional and skill development resources to undergraduate, graduate and other scholars with wide variety of discipline. Currently, resume review is one of the free service, leafgogy is providing and study of questions-answers and e-book material.

Before the advent of paper in any region of the world, palm leaf was one of the important sources for writing, reportedly dating back to the fifth century BCE. The written text on palm leaf manuscripts contribute to our most valuable and precious national heritage asĀ rare collection of recorded knowledge. The oldest surviving palm leaf Indian manuscripts have been found in colder, drier climates such as in parts of Nepal, Tibet and central Asia, the source of 1st-millennium CE manuscripts. Study from written text through small steps on leaf is proven concept of learning.

Leafgogy is a unique pedagogy, similar of palm-leaf manuscript of education. A leaf approach of education will make your learning memorable, interactive and easy. Educational material such as text, tables, graphs, 2D, 3D images, visual, sign, symbols and structures, written and drawn on leaf form of labels, stickers and cards, will serve as a quick small open book and be revolutionary for learning interesting and memorable. So enjoy your learning through leafgogy.