OCLab-I Exam Review

General check list: to review topics for Organic chemistry – 1 Lab Exam:

(1) To review organic chemistry laboratory safety procedures and rules.

(2) Must know the shape, sizes and name of glass wares, apparatus, instruments, and other items used in the lab experiments.

(3)  Must know the design of purification and chemical reaction apparatus assembly.

(4) Must know the type and name of chemical reactions performed in the lab. 

(5) Must know how to write and draw the chemical structures of chemical reactions, starting materials, reagents, solvents.

(6) Must know the reaction conditions (time and temperature).

(7) Must know workup techniques involve isolating the products.

(8) Must remember melting points of pure compounds.

(9) Must know how to calculate limiting reactant, theoretical yields, experimental yield.

(10) Must know how to analyze gas chromatography spectra, area of peaks, percent composition calculation, and specific rotation calculation for optically active compounds using polarimeter.

(11) Review all the material from your quizzes, post-lab questions, lab notebook and lab manual.

Specific Topics to Review:

Experiment – 1 Recrystallization and Melting Point (MP)

  • Know solubility rule of recrystallization.
  • Effect of impurities on MP.
  • Must know how to draw the composition and temperature graph and interpretation.
  • Definition of Eutectic point and Eutectic mixture

Experiment – 2 and -3 TLC and Column Chromatography

  • Must know what normal phase and reverse phase TLC and column chromatography definitions is.
  • Must know the definition of terminology used in TLC and column chromatography such as mobile phase, stationary phase, migratory bands, eluant etc.
  • Visualization Techniques for TLC.
  • Retention factor (Rf) definition and calculation.
  • General trend of polar and non-polar solvents.
  • General trend of polarity of organic compound, like which compound will be more polar and which compound would be less polar etc.

Experiment – 4: Separation of Organic Compounds by Acid-Base Extraction Techniques.

  • Definitions for miscible or immiscible etc.
  • Must know how to separate acid compounds, how to separate base compound and how to separate non-polar compound from mixture.

Experiment – 5 and 6: Simple and Fractional Distillation Techniques.

  • Temperature rules are associated to purify different compounds using simple and or fractional distillation technique.
  • Definitions of Raoul’s law, Dalton’s law, Ideal solution, non-ideal solution Azeotropic mixture, theoretical plates, types of columns.
  • Analysis and interpretation of distillation graphs.

Experiment – 6 and 7 Gas Chromatography (GC), and Polarimeter.

  • The principle involves GC and polarimeter.
  • Designing layout of instrument.
  • Definitions of terminology such as retention time, mobile phase, stationary phase, carrier gas, non-polarized light, polarized light, optically active, angle of rotation, specific rotation etc.
  • Chemical formula, graph analysis, math involved in calculation.

Experiment – 8, 9 and 10: SN1 and SN2 Reaction, Dehydration of 2-methylcyclohexanol, and Bromination of Stilbene.

  • Must know how to write each chemical reaction, starting material, chemical reagents solvent, and product.
  • Reaction conditions (time and temperature) and reaction setup method
  • Techniques involved in workup and isolation method of products.
  • Analytical method for product identification.
  • Alkyl halides and Alkene test reagents and method